Monday, February 10, 2014

Hey Everyone! I hope that you all had a great week, and that everything is still rolling in Utah, or wherever you may be.... Cancun for my parents ;) Gosh! I LOVE IT OUT HERE! Hardest thing of my life though. No doubt. Every return missonary before I came always told me, "A mission is a rollercoaster" and boy, is that true! Emotions rollercoaster, physical rollercoaster, everything rollercoaster, but boy is it worth it. This past week was a good one if you look at it correctly. We did a lot, but not what we expected either! Here we go:
Monday - P-day. We cleaned for 5 hours of our apartement, then shopped and of course, I bought the most amazing european clothes. Loooook goooooood ;) Thats all. Then worked at night!
Tuesday - ZONE TRAINING! I absolutely love my Zone Leaders, Elder Bishop and Elder Cooper. The training was on "Do what you do, with Jesus". It was about finding who we are, and our strenghts, and how we are supposed to contribute to this mission. Really helped me a lot. Talked to president a bit, then we went to an inactives to give him the sacrament. He loves us, and it makes me so happy to help him. He speaks really hard Dutch, so it is hard for me and Elder Yoc-Daddy to understand him, but we just sit there and let him talk. He loves talking to us cause he is 86 and can't leave his house. Such a great guy. He always gives us Dutch Choco Milk and Snickers. Love the guy. Then we had dinner at the famous "De Nijs" house. They are members in our ward who know how to cook. AP's came with us and this was so fun! It is great having the AP's in our ward.
Wednesday - Rough one. I was on Exchanges in Zaandam with Elder Sosa from Santiago, Chile. He is pretty much American though. He has never lived in any country with English, but on his mission he learned American English. He is unreal. I thought he was from California since he is like Mexican hahaha. We decided to do a lot of finding, and look up former investigators. We had 2 lessons today, but they both fell through. That is the worst. I was so excited, maar het kan gebeuren. We did more finding, talking, and then came home and slept in the BEDroom. Love the BEDroom. 
Thursday - Studys, then did a former look up, then we switched back with our companions. Then Found forever. We just found until our appointment at 8 with Aspacia, and it started to pour really hard. We walked 35 minutes to Aspacias house in the pouring rain, with a joint teach with us, and when we got to her house, I get a call and she said "mogen wij de afspraak verzetten?" Wow. We had to change the appointment. That means 3 lessons in 2 days got called off. That is rought especially concidering how teaching is a delicacy here. Found, then walked 30 minutes back home and got soaked.
Friday - Studied, then we went to Amsterdam North and tried to visit some investigators. Made an appointment with Ibrahim, then went and looked up more investigators, made more appointments. Then, we went back to Zaandam, and knocked forever. When we were done knocking on doors, 5000 birds, literally 5000 were in the air just like a cloud and doing an airshow. Sickest thing I've ever seen. I asked a lady what the crap was happening and she had no idea, but loved it. So funny. Then we heard drops... tons of them and we thought it was about to pour rain, but it was literally poop. I have never seen anything like it before. Yocom and I took off running and hid under a tree. I almost threw up cause of the smell. It was terrible. We saw a lady get railed on her arm and head with poop. So freaking hilarious. Then I looked at my leg, and I got literally pooped on. So funny. Walked home and made Yocom clean it for me. GOOD FRIEND! Then we weekly planned and made some cool goals that will help us. To this point, 6 lessons this week have been called off. We havent taught an investigator yet. This has never happened to us ever in our missions, so we called the Zone Leaders and asked for suggestions. They decided they wanted to work with us on Saturday, so thats what we did! I wasn't complaining. I love them!
Saturday - Got with the Zone Leaders, I got paired off with Elder Cooper, and we went ham! We found and knocked for 2 solid hours before lunch and gave out some BvM's, and got a really positive potential investigator! Her name is Ana and I will call her tonight for an appt. Also, Elder Cooper and I saw a zombie spider. Literally a huge spider with frozen frosted legs and it was walking really slow. I have never seen a spider in January, and it was frozen. Steeze as crap! Elder Cooper and I had a great time. Ate lunch, then went back out for 6 hours and knocked doors, contacted, and have fun! Gosh I love this mission. We literally live everyone elses, in one! It is insane how many people live here from around the world. I dont think there is a country in the world that I havent met someone from. So sick! We found forever, then came back in and ate. Then found some more after dinner. It started to pour, and me and Yocom were back together at this point. We just handed out cards like crazy. Fun, but once again, freezing rain.
Sunday - Church, invited some investigators, and DANNY CAME! We are so pumped about Danny. He is so sick and he seemed to enjoy church. It was kinda a weird church service, but it was all good! Danny is such a netjes guy and everyone loved him. Gosh so sick. After church, we had dinner with a member. All 8 missionaries in the ward. Lucky is the member and she is so fun! We love her. After, we found, of course!
This was a hard week if you look at the numbers. Honestly, if the Lord would rather have us find then teach, so be it. I know that He knows what needs to happen. This is His work, not ours. We worked really hard, and really, that's when you love the mission the most. You can work hard and love it, or you can be lazy, and feel miserable. Guys, I mean this with all my heart. I love my mission, and I love these people. I love my companion, and quite frankly, I love Dutch. Never thought i would say that ;) Very hard, but coming. Slowly, but surely ;) Thanks for all your prayers. I love you all too. I am so grateful for all of your support. I can't even describe it. This next week will be great. It started off with a great PDay. We went Ice Skating in the middle of Amsterdam with the other missionaries and a member, played tag on the ice, fell, laughed, and had a great time. This was all right in front of Rijks Museum which is one of the most famous museums in the world. Sometimes I forget where I am at! I love it. Gosh. I hope you all have a great week. I keep you in my prayers!!!! Tot Straks!

Elder Elkins

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