Monday, November 25, 2013

Another Successful Week!

Wow, what a successful week!
This past week has been great! So many great things have been happening out here and the hand of God has really been showing in the missionary work. Everything is getting better and seeming more natural. It has been so great and I'm so grateful for all of the blessings I have received out here. The knowledge that I have gained of myself and the gospel is a huge blessing. I felt like I have already grown a lot and made a huge step in the direction of where I hope to be at the end of my mission and when I am home. Well, this week started off with PDay and family night at the Wekkins on Monday. We had our Investigator Lilliana over there for family night because Zr. Wekking is the lady who helps us teach her in Spanish. This was so fun and a great experience. Tuesday, We had Zone Training. Gosh, I learned so much and I was opened up to so many things that I can do better. I will for sure change some things and make some goals! We went out to eat dinner with Dhana later that night and I had a great tasting salmon at a very fancy restaurant. Wednesday, we taught a lesson to a new investigator and man, does this guy smoke a lot. Holy cow! 3 cigerettes in 45 minutes. Disgusting. He said he has heard about "Brian Young" before so he wanted to learn more. He said he will have the Book of Mormon read in a week so we will meet with him tomorrow hopefully. We then went and did a look up far away with an old investigator. He invited us in and was so pumped to see us. He speaks great english and wanted to speak it so we did. He loves the church and knows a lot about it. He initially started to talk to the missionaries a year ago because he is a Free Mason and heard that Joseph Smith was the highest ranking you can possibly be in Free Masonry. So funny. Gosh I have learned a lot about that idealogy. Very interesting.... Lol. We had a dinner appointment with Bishop that night and his family. They all wish they were american because they see us and love us. I was talking all night about how much I love Justin Beiber and about area 51 and 9/11. It was fun and we had a blast. Thursday, we had a lesson with a very, very cool guy from Fiji. Big old polynesian guy. Soooo amazingly nice. He wants to be baptized and said in Fiji, he lives next to mormons and he remembers the temple. So cool. He has a beutiful family back home! Then we had a lesson with Lilliana, and did some finding. We found 3 new potential investigators which is really great! Friday, we went and taught the plan of salvation to Luis. He is our new favorite investigator from Angola. So cool. He loves praying in Portuguese and loves that my parents both speak it! So cool. We also had to do weekly planning and then went to a ward christmas kickoff fireside. This was great! Saturday, We did some look ups, and went to Esthers. During the day, we were supposed to have a lesson with Dofu. We got to his door, but he opened it and was on his way out. He explained to us that he got a call from his mom and his parents are getting a divorce so he was on his way to his parents home. I wanted to honestly cry. Before he walked away, his lips were quivering and eyes watering. Such a tender moment. I dont know him that well, but he is a big black 24 year old who looks like Ziggy. So cool. Sunday, we had church and it was great. Then we went to dinner at a members and I had to say goodbye. This was hard even though I dont know her that well!
Well, I found out that next transfer I will be serving in Zaandaam with Elder Yocom. He is my best friend from high school and we came here on the same day. I honestly cannot believe that it is happening, especially so early in the mission and over Christmas. I'm so grateful and I see this as a huge blessing. I will work harder this next transfer than ever before and become better than I expected to be after 3rd transfer. This is going to be so great. It is sad to be leaving my baby city, especially with having the best numbers in the mission. It has been so great, but man, am I excited to serve with Yoc Daddy. This past week, Elder Alston and I were able to teach 8 lessons which is incredible here, and get 4 new investigators. We have 6 baptismal challenges accepted. Elder Alston is staying here and going District Leader. He will also Train again and help another missionary love their mission. I'm grateful for Alston and really appreciate what he has taught me. We have become such close friends and he is someone I will always look up to!
Well, I hope you all have a great week. Please keep those emails coming! Love you all so much.
Elder Elkins

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