Sunday, December 29, 2013


HOLY COW! IT'S CHRISTMAS?!? Where did time go? Seriously. I swear, just yesterday, I was sitting on my couch downstairs playing FIFA with Elder Yocom, not baptizing people with Elder Yocom! This was a really, really fast week. It has been hard leading up to Christmas, knowing that my wonderful family back home is having a lot of Christmas parties, making delicious chocolate via Grandma Covington, and going caroling with the Elkins side, but, I get to be a missionary and wear this special nametag on my chest. :)
On Monday, We had a much needed P-Day. After our PDay activites, we went home, made some phone calls, then went out and found for the rest of the night. On Tuesday, We had 3 appointments planned..... but they all fell through! We decided to go to some area book look ups, and contact. We went and looked up this former investigator named Merideth. We got to her house, rang her bell and she talked through the speaker because it was an apartment with bells outside. We made an appointment with her the following day. On Wednesday, we went to Denny's. He is an inactive member. I think I talked about him last week. We shared a short Christmas message with him, then headed out the door to go to Luma's. She is our investigator who is brazilian. She was born and raised here, but her mom and relatives are all from Sau Paulo. She is 24 years old with a beautiful baby girl. More about her later. After Luma's house, we went to our appointment with Merideth. We got to Merideth's, asked her a few questions and what she used to think about the missionaries. She said "You know, just this past week I have been thinking more about what I can do to improve my life and change it. My mom died a couple of years ago, and I am wondering if I will ever see her again" bam... The spirit took over from there. First lesson, she felt the spirit, and we will meet with her again after Christmas to teach her about "The Plan". She's done. She will be doped so hard. (Doop is baptism in Dutch :) so sick) After this, we went to the ward dinner at the church. Great night. On Thursday, we had a lesson with a referral from Zaandam. He has a girlfriend who lives in Salt Lake City and he was traveling to spend the holidays with her. She is LDS and he wants to learn more. He is a very nice, clean businessman. This lesson fell through cause he had to take his kids to school and arrange things for the trip, but he is very positive and wants to meet with us after his vacation! We then had a lesson with our new investigator Marcel. This is a 53 year old man who lives on his own. I'm pretty sure that his brain is only 13% there. He is hilarious! We poked fun with him at first. You all know me and Elder Yocom. Gosh we were laughing so hard. I was honestly nervous that we wouldnt be able to teach a good first lesson with the spirit because we were laughing too hard, but as soon as we started teaching, the spirit took over. We were serious the whole time and I felt the spirit. When it got to the end of the lesson, I asked Marcel if he would be baptized if he found out it was true. He said No with a confused face on his look. We then said well if the BoM is true, that means Joseph is a prophet and this is the only true church, only true baptism. We asked if he would pray about the BoM and he said yes. Then we said will you be baptized if you find out its true? He was confused and stared off in the distance for 40 seconds I swear and said No. Then we went off again and showed him scriptures in the Bible about baptism. He then decided baptism is important and that he would when he finds out its true. So funny. You all should've seen this mans face this whole time. Gosh I was dying and so was Elder Yocom! On Friday, I went on exchanges to Amsterdam with Elder Sosa. He is from Santiago, Chile but speaks American English because of his mission. So sick. Such a good guy! We had a lesson with a man in our ward who's brain is worce than Marcel's, I swear haha. His name is Leuwe. He has a neighbor who says he has Demons in his body and in his house, so me and Elder Sosa went with Leuwe and gave him a blessing and blessed his home. Very interesting experience. We then did a little contacting and went back to the house to ride with the AP's to the huge Stake Christmas Party. Holy Cow! This was Insane! There were over 1000 people there. 600 members, and 600 non members probably! So cool. Our whole zone was there including President and Sister Robinson. We had one hour of great christmas music, then had a catered dinner. Such a great night. We got home late at about 11:30 haha. Saturday was bad weather. Luckily, we had weekly planning still to do. We went out for a bit and did some contacting later at night, but then went to Amsterdam Central to go finding with all the Elders in our ward in Amsterdam Centrum. I went with Elder Van Komen, and Elder Yocom went with Elder Lewis. These are the AP's. Van Komen is so sick! We had such a good time and found some great potentials! Sunday was just another day.... Went to church, had a great meeting, then at 4:00, we had a baptismal service for LUMA! So cool! We had a baptism! So great. Elder Yocom baptized her, and she asked me to confirm her and give her the big gift next week in sacrament meeting... in dutch! So scared, but so pumped! What a great day. Her mom is so proud of her, and so are we. She will be such a great kingdom builder and hopefully will marry a worth priesthood holder and start a great little mormon dutch family! Things like this remind me why I am here. Such a great Christmas gift.
This week will be full of great opportunities to serve. Tomorrow for Christmas Eve, we are going to Denny's to watch Joy to the World with him, then to a very old members house to give him the Sacrament. He hasn't had the Sacrament in months and months and is so happy that we can do it on Christmas eve, then we will go to Marcels and watch Joy to the World with him too! We have Christmas gifts to give to people who dont have families and who are lonely for Christmas so we will drop them off tomorrow as well. On Christmas, We will wake up, open gifts, make a great delicious breakfest, then get out and serve. We will be at Daniels for Christmas later in the day to skype, eat, and watch een paar van filmjes. This will be fun! So happy that we get to have a Christmas like this. It really helps me remember the true meaning of Christmas. I'm so grateful that I get to celebrate this holiday in this manner, becaue its symbolizes the birth of the man that I represent everyday. I really hope that you all have such a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you can all find ways to serve others around you. Thanks for all the love you guys send up to me in Holland. Enjoy all that white snow and eggnog! Love you all. Tot volgende keer!

Elder Elkins

Skyping Austin was amazing. It was so good to see him and hear him. He is doing so good and he is so happy.


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