Tuesday, August 6, 2013

P-Day #2

We heard from Austin today! It's always so good to hear from him!

 Second Week! Well technically my third, cause Sunday marks halfway in the MTC! So excited. Dutch is still very, very hard, but it'll come! (I hope) :). Thank you all for your letters and the support you have given me! It really helps to stay connected with all of you cause i really miss you all! I cant believe I'm on a mission still! My district is amazing, and my zone makes it even better! My best friend Elder Yocom is in my zone so we literally just hang out all day! I'm sitting next to him now as I type this! My companion is great. Patience is a virtue... Lol. My Dutch teachers are great. They all have gotten back from the Netherlands Mission in the last year so they have had my mission president! They love him to death. They all loved it so much. They said half of our lessons will be english, half will be dutch. One of my teachers picked up a little French, and Chinese as well! I cant wait. I have already taught 7 lessons to investigators in Dutch. It is hard cause I can understand what theyre saying, but I cant respond how I would like to! That will come though. The food is so repetative! Already starting to get sick of it! I see so many kids here from my school. Its so crazy. My cousin, Elder Lamb, left to Honduras yesterday. It was great being able to spend time with him here and go to divotionals with him and just be the "new" us. I'm going to miss him like crazy, but he will be such a great missionary! 
The spirit here is so strong. Fast and Testimony meeting was unbelievable. Just knowing that I was in a room full of missionaries was crazy. I feel the Lord answering all my prayers and comforting me as I need! My testimony is growing so strong and I love it.  I am so grateful for the family and friends that I have at home! I really feel like I have the best family and friends! I love all my cousins! Before you know it, Jaxson Miller, Andrew Lewis, Jake Lamb, and Parker will all be doing what I'm doing! I love you all!
Tot Ziens!
Elder Elkins

Magic Tuesday
And if you want to know what that is, I'll tell you. 
The Belgium missionaries (like the ones below) had to poop in a bag and send it to Belgium in order to get their visas. Weird right? look at their faces hahahahaha.

Cousins saying goodbye. Elder Lamb left to Hondurus! 

Kids from Davis High School

Laundry Day! 

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