Hey guys! What a quick week. They all go that way!
We had a really great week, and saw miracles. Every week is that way, that is why I love it out here! This was our last week of the transfer, and we wanted to play all the cards we had and finish strong as a Zone. We challenged the Zone to teach RAD's this week (Restoration and Doopdatum=baptismal date), and to work hard. It really blessed us as we searched for people to teach and invite to baptism.
Elder Torniainen and I had a cool experience that I think I shared last time with you. We met Eva on the door, and she is so cool! She prayed three weeks ago for a new direction in her life, and since then we have been on the door, as well as the Jehovah Witnesses. We taught her a really good first lesson, and invited her to baptism this week. She is excited and felt the Spirit.
I went on two very inspiring exchanges this week with two great missionaries. Elder K is from Surinam. He has no family support, and changed his life to come on a mission. He has 4 months left, and feels really motivated to be better and finish strong. It really motivated me to do my best, and only improve these last months. I am blessed to have the opportunity to go on exchanges.
Transfer calls came in last night. I will be staying in Den Haag training another new Zone Leader, while Elder Torniainen will be going to Eindhoven. It was a blast serving with him this transfer, and to be honest, I wish we could stay together one more. It seems like I have had companions for only one transfer too much! But, what the Lord wants right? :)
We have a busy week ahead. We are planning for Zone Training, again. It will be next week, and I really look forward to it! Not often are there Zone Trainings two transfers in a row, and it is usually never in the first week, but it is so these two transfers. I always learn so much preparing, and the Spirit truly provides. I love it.
My new companions name is Elder Bernier. I don't know much about him, but we are going to become best friends.
I hope that you have a great week! Go Seahawks!
Elder Elkins
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